วันอาทิตย์ที่ 28 มกราคม พ.ศ. 2561

Control a DC Motor using the L9110S driver and a Rotary Encoder with an ...

volatile boolean TurnDetected; // need volatile for Interrupts

volatile boolean up;

const int PinCLK=2; // Generating interrupts using CLK signal
const int PinDT=3; // Reading DT signal
const int PinSW=4; // Reading Push Button switch

// L9110 connections
#define L9110_B_IA 10 // Pin D10 --> Motor B Input A
#define L9110_B_IB 11 // Pin D11 --> Motor B Input B

// Motor Speed & Direction
#define MOTOR_B_PWM L9110_B_IA // Motor PWM Speed
#define MOTOR_B_DIR L9110_B_IB // Motor Direction

// Interrupt routine runs if CLK goes from HIGH to LOW
void isr () {
delay(4); // delay for Debouncing
if (digitalRead(PinCLK))
up = digitalRead(PinDT);
up = !digitalRead(PinDT);
TurnDetected = true;

void setup () {
digitalWrite(PinSW, HIGH); // Pull-Up resistor for switch

attachInterrupt (0,isr,FALLING); // interrupt 0 always connected to pin 2 on Arduino UNO
Serial.begin (9600);
digitalWrite( MOTOR_B_DIR, LOW ); // Set motor to off
digitalWrite( MOTOR_B_PWM, LOW );

void loop () {
static long RotaryPosition=0; // STATIC to count correctly

if (!(digitalRead(PinSW))) { // check if button is pressed
if (RotaryPosition == 0) { // check if button was already pressed
} else {
RotaryPosition=0; // if YES, then reset position to ZERO
digitalWrite( MOTOR_B_DIR, LOW ); // turn motor off
analogWrite( MOTOR_B_PWM, LOW );
Serial.print ("Reset = ");
Serial.println (RotaryPosition);

// Runs if rotation was detected
if (TurnDetected) {
if (up) {
if (RotaryPosition >= 100) { // Max value set to 100
RotaryPosition = 100;
else {
else {
if (RotaryPosition
<= -100) {
// Max value set to -100
RotaryPosition = -100;
else {
TurnDetected = false; // do NOT repeat IF loop until new rotation detected
Serial.print ("Speed = ");
Serial.println (RotaryPosition);

// if Rotation is Clockwise
if (RotaryPosition > 0 && RotaryPosition < 11) {
digitalWrite( MOTOR_B_DIR, LOW ); // turn motor off
analogWrite( MOTOR_B_PWM, LOW );
if (RotaryPosition > 10 && RotaryPosition < 21) {
digitalWrite( MOTOR_B_DIR, HIGH ); // direction = forward
analogWrite( MOTOR_B_PWM, 180 ); // PWM speed = 180
if (RotaryPosition > 20 && RotaryPosition < 31) {
digitalWrite( MOTOR_B_DIR, HIGH ); // direction = forward
analogWrite( MOTOR_B_PWM, 160 ); // PWM speed = 160
if (RotaryPosition > 30 && RotaryPosition < 41) {
digitalWrite( MOTOR_B_DIR, HIGH ); // direction = forward
analogWrite( MOTOR_B_PWM, 140 ); // PWM speed = 140
if (RotaryPosition > 40 && RotaryPosition < 51) {
digitalWrite( MOTOR_B_DIR, HIGH ); // direction = forward
analogWrite( MOTOR_B_PWM, 120 ); // PWM speed = 120
if (RotaryPosition > 50 && RotaryPosition < 61) {
digitalWrite( MOTOR_B_DIR, HIGH ); // direction = forward
analogWrite( MOTOR_B_PWM, 100 ); // PWM speed = 100
if (RotaryPosition > 60 && RotaryPosition < 71) {
digitalWrite( MOTOR_B_DIR, HIGH ); // direction = forward
analogWrite( MOTOR_B_PWM, 80 ); // PWM speed = 80
if (RotaryPosition > 70 && RotaryPosition < 81) {
digitalWrite( MOTOR_B_DIR, HIGH ); // direction = forward
analogWrite( MOTOR_B_PWM, 60 ); // PWM speed = 60
if (RotaryPosition > 80 && RotaryPosition < 91) {
digitalWrite( MOTOR_B_DIR, HIGH ); // direction = forward
analogWrite( MOTOR_B_PWM, 40 ); // PWM speed = 40
if (RotaryPosition > 90) {
digitalWrite( MOTOR_B_DIR, HIGH ); // direction = forward
analogWrite( MOTOR_B_PWM, 20 ); // PWM speed = 20

// if Rotation is Counter-Clockwise

if (RotaryPosition < 0 && RotaryPosition > -11) {
digitalWrite( MOTOR_B_DIR, LOW ); // turn motor off
analogWrite( MOTOR_B_PWM, LOW );
if (RotaryPosition < -10 && RotaryPosition > -21) {
digitalWrite( MOTOR_B_DIR, LOW ); // direction = reverse
analogWrite( MOTOR_B_PWM, 40 ); // PWM speed = 40
if (RotaryPosition < -20 && RotaryPosition > -31) {
digitalWrite( MOTOR_B_DIR, LOW ); // direction = reverse
analogWrite( MOTOR_B_PWM, 60 ); // PWM speed = 60
if (RotaryPosition < -30 && RotaryPosition > -41) {
digitalWrite( MOTOR_B_DIR, LOW ); // direction = reverse
analogWrite( MOTOR_B_PWM, 80 ); // PWM speed = 80
if (RotaryPosition < -40 && RotaryPosition > -51) {
digitalWrite( MOTOR_B_DIR, LOW ); // direction = reverse
analogWrite( MOTOR_B_PWM, 100 ); // PWM speed = 100
if (RotaryPosition < -50 && RotaryPosition > -61) {
digitalWrite( MOTOR_B_DIR, LOW ); // direction = reverse
analogWrite( MOTOR_B_PWM, 120 ); // PWM speed = 120
if (RotaryPosition < -60 && RotaryPosition > -71) {
digitalWrite( MOTOR_B_DIR, LOW ); // direction = reverse
analogWrite( MOTOR_B_PWM, 140 ); // PWM speed = 140
if (RotaryPosition < -70 && RotaryPosition > -81) {
digitalWrite( MOTOR_B_DIR, LOW ); // direction = reverse
analogWrite( MOTOR_B_PWM, 160 ); // PWM speed = 160
if (RotaryPosition < -80 && RotaryPosition > -91) {
digitalWrite( MOTOR_B_DIR, LOW ); // direction = reverse
analogWrite( MOTOR_B_PWM, 180 ); // PWM speed = 180
if (RotaryPosition < -90) {
digitalWrite( MOTOR_B_DIR, LOW ); // direction = reverse
analogWrite( MOTOR_B_PWM, 200 ); // PWM speed = 200

